Using the Command Line to Manage Voyager as a Service

Admins can use the built-in Command Line utilities to manage Voyager when running it as a Service.

To use the Command Line:

  1. Go to [voyager install directory]/app

  2. Open a Command Prompt

  3. Enter:

VoyagerService.exe [OPTION]


  • /install
    Installs the Voyager service in start-on-demand mode, which means that the service must be manually started by the user in the Windows service manager.

  • /install-auto
    Installs the service in auto-start mode. In auto start mode, your service is always started when Windows is booted.

  • /uninstall
    Used for uninstalling an existing service

  • /start
    Start a service that has already been installed

  • /stop
    Stop a service that has already been installed

  • /status
    Returns the current status

    • 0 - The Service is running 

    • 3 - The Service is not running 

    • 1 - The status cannot be determined (e.g. if it is not installed)