Launch Voyager AWS Marketplace AMI

From the “Launch this software” screen, select “Launch through EC2” from the dropdown menu and select the “Launch” button.

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From the EC2 console, confirm the following settings are correct:


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Instance Type

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Key Pair (login)

Choose and existing key pair or create a new one.

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Network Settings

This Voyager ami uses the following TCP ports:

Port Number


Port Number



RDP Access


Voyager Application


HQ Endpoint

Depending on Ec2 Settings the ports may auto configure. If not, create a new security groups with the above ports open to all traffic.

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Configure Storage

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Advanced Details

Next, expand the “Advanced Details” section and scroll to the “User Data - Optional” section.

Add the following options:



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Note: This script sets the Voyager and HQ urls to the Public IPv4 DNS address.


Launch Instance

Once all the settings above are correct, select “Launch Instance”.

From the EC2 Dashboard, locate the newly created Voyager instance and note the Public IPv4 DNS address.


Login using the following credentials:

Username: admin

Password: admin