About This Release
January 23, 2023
Voyager Search is happy to announce the release of our latest version of Vose and updates to Voyager Server. This release includes:
This release allows users to view metrics such as Most Used Keywords, Formats (indexed), Downloaded Documents on the Pulse UI. Sort options were also added for these categories.
Updates to VoyagerODN
New data catalogs were added to VoyagerODN and existing catalogs have been updated. To mention a few:
Hazard Data Distribution System - most recent emergency events now updated daily - https://odn.voyagersearch.com/go/TTwTlpQ
USGS Landsat on AWS - L7, L8, L9 collections from 2021/2022 - https://odn.voyagersearch.com/go/TTwTlpJ
Ukraine War - maps collections - https://odn.voyagersearch.com/go/TTwTlpL
Swiss GeoSpatial Data - https://odn.voyagersearch.com/go/TTwTlpN
Australian GeoScience Data - https://odn.voyagersearch.com/go/TTwTlpP
MappingSupport - curated list of geospatial services - https://odn.voyagersearch.com/go/TTwTlpO
Additional Improvements Made To: