Voyager Machine Key

Voyager Machine Key

What is a Machine Key?

Voyager generates Machine Keys from a combination of hardware parameters as well as operating system information. Both physical and virtual machines have a unique Machine Key. 

Voyager user licenses are tied to a specific computer's Machine Key. To find your Machine Key, go to Manage Voyager > Settings >  License.

You cannot move licenses from one computer to another without updating the machine key. If you need to move the license to a new system, find the machine key on the new system and send that key to Voyager support. The support team will generate a new license for the new system that is linked to the new machine key.

When does a Machine Key change?

The machine Key changes when the underlying settings change, such as an OS update or a change in system configuration (e.g. adding a hard disk, re-imaging a disk or adding or changing processor configuration). 

Since a Voyager license is valid for a single Machine Key, the license will become invalid if the that Key changes. In that case, you will see an error similar to 

Error Message: License is not valid on this machine.

Virtual Machine Keys

If you're using virtualization software (like VMWare) each virtual machine is automatically assigned a universally unique Keyentifier (UUKey), which is stored in the SMBIOS system information descriptor. In most cases, cloned VMs have unique signatures and generate different Voyager Machine Keys, although it is possible to configure a VM such that the Machine Key does not change. 

What do I do if my Machine Key changes?

Voyager Support can provide a new license that uses the new Machine Key.  Contact us at support@voyagersearch.com