Customizing the List of Processing Tasks
Administrators can selectively remove specific processing tasks from the Processing Task list. This allows control over which tasks are available to users. For example, an administrator may want to remove the Move Files or Delete Files tasks to prevent changes in data content and location. They may also want to restrict tasks only to download activities, such as Export Result List or Clip Data by Polygon.
Customizing the Processing Task List
You can remove and restore Processing tasks.
Removing Processing Tasks
Go to the [VoyagerInstallDir]/App/py/processing directory
Create a folder in this directory to store the deleted task files (if you don't create copies of the task scripts, you will not be able to restore them without access to a separate Voyager instance).
Go to [VoyagerInstallDir]/App/py/processing/tasks (this is where all the task files are located)
For each task to be removed, move both the python (.py) and compiled python (.pyc) files to the folder you created in Step 2, for example and add_field.pyc.
Go to to [VoyagerInstallDir]/App/py/processing/info
For each task to be deleted, move its associated .info.json file to the backup folder you created in Step 2. For example, for the Add Field task, move the file IMPORTANT: The backup folder cannot be inside the /info directory - see Step 2.
Go to the Voyager's REST API at [VoyagerURL/api/rest/docs]
Click /process
Click POST for the /process/tasks/refresh entry
Click Try it out!
The Response body will display "available": true, for each processing task that was not removed
Go back to the Voyager Home Page
If there are no items in the Cart, add one or two for testing (Processing tasks are only available when there are items in the Cart)
Click the Cart icon
Click Select Task to load the Task list
Verify that only the tasks you selected are present in the task list
Restoring Deleted Tasks
To restore tasks that were removed:
For each task you wish to restore, copy the (.py) and compiled python (.pyc) files from the backup folder to [VoyagerInstallDir]/App/py/processing/tasks
Copy the .info.json file from the backup folder to [VoyagerInstallDir]/App/py/processing/info
Follow steps 8-17 from the previous section
The restored tasks should appear in the task list