Configuring the Voyager STAC service
The STAC service is exposed through HQ and can be configured through the following steps:
Navigate to your HQ config directory for instance <hq home folder>\config. If you’re not sure where this is you can find it through the vmoptions file or through the the HQ user interface at https://<server url>/app/system/info
create a file called stac.json at under the following path .\home\config\service\stac.json. The file should have the following content with descriptions following the example.
Access the STAC endpoint using the following URL https://<base url to HQ>/api/stac/<id of catalog>
Default stac.json
This is the basic configuration and will expose all data in the voyager registry as STAC items.
"catalogs": [
"collection": {
"descriptorSource": "repos.json",
"license": "proprietary",
"descriptionPath": "$.repositories[?('%(id)')].url",
"titlePath": "$.repositories[?('%(id)')].name"
"datetimeField": "indexed",
"description": "Voyager STAC",
"facetField": "location",
"fieldList": [
"id": "locations",
"query": "q=:*"
"lastModified": 1697121839831
Example: Exposing Planet Labs data (stac.json)
"catalogs": [{
"collection": {
"descriptorSource": "stac_catalogs.json",
"license": "$.providers[?('%(id)')].license",
"descriptionPath": "$.providers[?('%(id)')].description",
"titlePath": "$.providers[?('%(id)')].title"
"datetimeField": "fd__acquired",
"facetField": "fs__provider",
"fieldList": [],
"description": "Planet STAC by Voyager",
"id": "planet",
"query": "q={!tag=format}format:(application\/vnd.planet.feature)"
Annotated Example: Exposing Planet Labs data indexed using the planet connector (available by request from our professional services team) file:stac.json
"catalogs": [{
"collection": {
// NOTE: reference to new file containing metadata elements
// file is store at .\home\config
"descriptorSource": "stac_catalogs.json",
"license": "$.providers[?('%(id)')].license",
"descriptionPath": "$.providers[?('%(id)')].description",
"titlePath": "$.providers[?('%(id)')].title"
// NOTE: this is the field used to expose the date and time
"datetimeField": "fd__acquired",
// NOTE: the field used to expose multiple collections
"facetField": "fs__provider",
// NOTE: the list of fields to expse through STAC
// empty allows all fields to be exposed
"fieldList": [],
// NOTE: a nice description
"description": "Planet STAC by Voyager",
// NOTE: the id
"id": "planet",
// NOTE: the query used to select what is exposed through STAC
"query": "q={!tag=format}format:(application\/vnd.planet.feature)"
"providers": [
"id": "planetscope",
"title": "Planet Planet Scope",
"description": "PlanetScope, operated by Planet, is a constellation of approximately 130 satellites, able to image the entire land surface of the Earth every day (a daily collection capacity of 200 million km/day).",
"license": "See"
"id": "skysat",
"title": "Planet SkySat",
"description": "SkySat, operated by Planet, is a high resolution constellation of 21 satellites, able to image revisit any location on Earth up to 10x daily (a daily collection capacity of 400 thousand km/day). SkySat images are approximately 50 centimeters per pixel resolution.",
"license": "See"