Creating Charts in Voyager Analytics

Creating Charts in Voyager Analytics

Voyager Analytics allow you to visualize your data in a variety of ways using pie charts, bar charts and line charts. You can experiment with different combinations of field data and user behaviors such as viewing, downloading and likes and dislikes. 

Chart Types

There are three basic Chart types: 

  • Bar Charts (vertical, horizontal and stacked)

  • Pie Charts (Solid, Exploded and Donut)

  • Line Charts (including Area Charts)

Creating a New Chart

Before you can access Analytics, make sure that:

  • You are currently logged in to a running instance of Voyager

  • The Analytics Extension is enabled

  • Analytics have been enabled by an Administrator

  • You have the View Analytics permission

Voyager Analytics supports several types of Chart. You can create new charts or add a chart from the Graphics Library.

To create a new Chart:

  1. In a new Dashboard, click Add Your First Item

  2. In any Dashboard, select or the Add Graphic drop-down list at the top right

  3. Select Create new Chart

When the Chart window opens:

  1. Select the Chart type

  2. Select the Data Source

  3. Choose the Field to display

  4. Choose a Behavior (optional)

  5. Click the Settings (gear) icon to see settings options for the chart you've created

Selecting the Chart Type

  • Select the Chart type from the list at the left

Selecting the Data Source

You can select the Full Index, the results of a Saved Search, or copy and paste the URL of a Voyager search result. 

Adding Fields and Behaviors to the Chart

  • To add a field, click and drag it from the Fields list to the Field box

  • To add a behavior, drag it from the Behaviors list to the Show Me box (after a Field has been added)

Customizing Chart Settings

Click the Settings icon to see options for a chart.


Bar Charts — Vertical

Bar Charts — Stacked

Bar Charts — Horizontal

Identical to Vertical Bar Charts with the axes rotated

Pie Charts 

Pie Charts have several display options: Exploded, Donut and Grid. The Grid display contains a simplified Donut chart for each of the Chart entries.

Pie Chart Options

Exploded Pie Chart

 Donut Pie Chart


Line Charts 

Area Charts 


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