Voyager Analytics and the Pulse App

Voyager Analytics and the Pulse App

Voyager Analytics and the Pulse App allow users to gain insight and understanding into their index.

Voyager Analytics

Analytics allows users to visualize their data in a variety of ways, such as the distribution of data types by location or the distribution of indexing errors over time. There are numerous templates for creating graphic representations of the Analytics results. Apart from distribution of data attributes, Analytics can also show how users have interacted with your data, including viewing, downloading or liking/disliking.

Analytics must be enabled before you can begin creating charts and other visualizations.

The Pulse App

The Pulse App was developed to allow Voyager administrators to be able to understand things like how many users have accessed the UI, the number of downloads that have occurred, and the number of searches that have been executed. Pulse contains both pre-built graphics that summarize index interactions as well as an interface for diving deeper into the analytics to create custom exportable tables. It also makes it simple to select a time period of interest and choose exactly which attributes from each interaction to examine. The Pulse App is currently only available to those users running Vose (HQ).

Learn more about the Pulse App and its usage here.

See Also

Enabling and Using Voyager Analytics

Creating Charts in Voyager Analytics

Using the Pulse App

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