Using Voyager's Standard Gazetteer

Using Voyager's Standard Gazetteer

Voyager uses Gazetteers for Geotagging and Placefinding (in version 1.9.6 and later). There are two types of gazetteers, Custom and Standard. 

  • Custom Gazetteer - A custom gazetteer is based on specific data in the index that you use as a source of location information for other data. 

  • Standard Gazetteer - This is a pre-built gazetteer stored in a separate index (gazetteer), in local or remote Voyager instances. You can find the default Standard Gazetteer at http://gazetteer.voyagersearch.com.

This article describes using the Standard Gazetteer. You can configure a Standard Gazetteer to use as a default, or you can configure one for a specific location. 

Geotagging with Standard Gazetteer by Location 

To use a Standard Gazetteer for a specific location:

  • Go to Manage Voyager > Discovery > Locations and click the Edit Icon

  • Select Geotag from a Standard Gazetteer on the Geotag tab

  • Click Save

Geotagging with Standard Gazetteer by Default

  • Go to Manage Voyager > Discovery > Discovery Configuration 

  • Select Geotag from a Standard Gazetteer on the Geotag tab

  • Click Save

Configuring Geotagging with the Standard Gazetteer

The configuration steps are the same for both options. Enter the following information:

  • The Use Voyager's Standard Gazetteer field is pre-populated with the location of the gazetteer.

  • Select the Fields to Copy from the Gazetteer - This is where you can choose additional fields to copy from the gazetteer to the target documents. For placefinding, it is important to copy the bbox and/or geo fields

  • Select the Text Field to Geotag - Any text field in a document can be geotagged. Most commonly this is the text field.

Click Save to save your changes.

Tagging Records with the Gazetteer

To apply tagging with the Gazetter, you need to rebuild either the entire index or just the specific location, as appropriate.

To rebuild the index for a location:

  1. Go to Discovery > Locations and click the Manage icon next to that location

  2. Select Rebuild from the list of Actions

To rebuild the entire index:

  1. Go to Manage Voyager > Discovery > Status 

  2. Click Scan All Locations

Viewing Tagged Data

To view tagging information once the index has been rebuilt:

  1. Return to the search results that include the location

  2. Click Show Detail Page for an individual record

  3. Select Load View Settings > Discovery Debug Information from the Admin Options menu

  4. Look for location information, for example bbox values, in the list of metadata

See Also:

Configuring a Custom Gazetteer

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