Creating Index Snapshots

Creating Index Snapshots

Creating a Snapshot

Snapshots include the Index as well as other information and Metadata. You can either create a Snapshot from the entire Index or you can start with a Saved Search for a more focused Snapshot. You can also choose the information you wish to include in the Snapshot when you create it. 

Snapshots as Backups

In Voyager Search version 1.9.9, Snapshots replace Backups. A Snapshot that includes only the Index is the equivalent of a Backup from previous Voyager versions. 

To create a Snapshot:

  1. Go to Manage Voyager > Index > Backup and Restore > Snapshots

  2. Click Create Snapshot

  3. Enter a name for the Snapshot 

  4. Choose whether to create the Snapshot from the Entire Index or a Saved Search

  5. Choose any additional information you wish to include in the Snapshot:

    IndexSaved Searches
    Field Display Templates
    Navigo Appearance settings
    Discovery Configuration settings
    Index Settings
    Security Settings
    Index Thumbnails (Metadata)

  6. WARNING: Metadata folders can be very large. If the aggregate Snapshot size is larger than 2GB, you will need to save it manually.

  7. Choose a location for the Snapshot

  8. Click Create New Snapshot when you are done

  9. If Snapshot creation is successful, it will appear in the Snapshot List:

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