Add to Geodatabase

Add to Geodatabase

This Processing task adds selected search results to an existing Geodatabase.

To run this task in the Navigo UI:

  • Cick the Cart icon and select New Task from the drop-down menu. 

  • Select Add to Geodatabase from the task menu

  • Enter the target database or dataset and select an output projection

  • Click Run Task

Supported File Types

This task supports all GIS file types.

Usage Notes

  • The target geodatabase or feature dataset will be created if it does not exist.

  • The projection is used to project the output results. The default is the same projection as the input item.

  • If the target workspace is a geodatabase feature dataset, the output will be the projection of the target feature dataset.

  • Formats such as office documents are not supported. 

  • An ArcGIS map service layer and an ArcGIS feature service layer are supported. 

  • If the input is an Esri layer file (.lyr), the data source for each layer within the layer file is added to the geodatabase.

  • If the input workspace is a SDE database, the full path to the .sde connection must be used. e.g., C:\Users\QA\AppData\Roaming\ESRI\Desktop10.3\ArcCatalog\Connection to odn.voyagersearch.com.sde

  • If the input is a map document (.mxd), the data source for each layer and table view are added to the geodatabase.

  • Requires ArcGIS 10.x

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