Cloud Storage
Voyager is now capable of discovering, extracting and indexing content stored in Amazon S3. In addition to indexing content, processing tasks can use the content stored in Amazon S3 as input to execute data processing tasks. S3 is object storage with a simple web service interface to store and retrieve any amount of data from anywhere on the web. Organizations are increasingly using S3 as their authoritative data source. For more information about S3, click here.
Adding Content from S3
To add content stored in an Amazon S3 bucket:
Go to Manage Voyager > Discovery > Locations > New Location
Select Cloud Storage
In the Cloud Storage Dialog:
Enter the URL of an existing Amazon S3 data bucket (the URL must be in the format s3://<bucket-name>/<prefix>)
The Access Key and Secret Key are optional and are only required when the AWS credentials cannot be retrieved from one of the following locations:
Environment Variables
Java System Properties
Default Credentials file in the user’s home folder
Instance Profile
Select a geographic Region
Click Add when you are done