Adding Box and Dropbox Repositories

Adding Box and Dropbox Repositories

HQ can index the contents of both Box and Dropbox, but it cannot access files directly and must use a specific authentication scheme to do so. While the details of connecting to Box or Dropbox repositories are different, they share some higher-level similarities: 

  • They both require a custom App that manages API access to data in a specific account

  • They both require generating a unique access token (Dropbox) or configuration file (Box) that HQ then uses to connect to the repository

The main differences between the two platforms lie in the processes for generating the Apps and access tokens/configuration files.  This article will cover the basic implementation of indexing Box and Dropbox sets, but it is by no means exhaustive and users should always refer to each site's documentation and tutorials. 

Creating a Dropbox Repository

IMPORTANT NOTE: You should always refer to the Dropbox documentation for the latest information on working with the Dropbox API.

Before you can create a Dropbox repository, you will need:

  • A Dropbox Developer account (create one if you do not have one yet)

  • Data to index

  • The path to the data, relative to the root of your Dropbox

  • An App, which manages access and security for your Dropbox files (see Build Your App on the DBX Platform for detailed information)

  • An Access Token (this token can be used to access your Dropbox account - be very careful with whom you share it)

To create a Dropbox Repository in HQ:

  • Go to HQ > Indexing > Repositories and click Add New

  • Select File for the Repository type and click Next

  • Select Dropbox from the drop-down menu


In the Add Repository window, enter:




  • A unique Name for the Repository

  • The Access Token generated by your Dropbox App

  • The Dropbox Path, which is the path from the root of your Dropbox account to the data you are indexing (if you don't enter a path, Voyager will index all contents of your Dropbox account, starting at the root)

  • When you are done, click Next and continue with the remaining steps to create a new Repository

  • At the final step, click Index to begin indexing the new Repository

  • Open Navigo in Voyager Server to view the indexed data

Resources For Dropbox

Creating a Box Repository

IMPORTANT NOTE:  You should always refer to the Box documentation for the latest information on working with the Box API.

Before you can create a Box repository, you will need:

  • A Box Developer account (create one if you do not have one yet)

  • Data to index

  • The path to the data, relative to the root of your Box account

  • An App, which manages access and security for your Box files (see Installing and Using Apps in Box for detailed information)

  • A JSON file that includes the clientID (download this from your Box App)

To create a Box Repository in HQ:

  • Go to HQ > Indexing > Repositories and click Add New

  • Select File for the Repository type and click Next

  • Select Box Cloud Storage from the drop-down menu

In the Add Repository window, enter:

  • unique Name for the Repository

  • Connection Config (this is the value of clientID in the JSON file you downloaded from Box)

  • The Box Path, which is the path from the root of your Box account to the data you are indexing (if you don't enter a path, Voyager will index all contents of your Box account, starting at the root)

  • When you are done, click Next and continue with the remaining steps to create a new Repository

  • At the final step, click Index to begin indexing the new Repository

  • Open Navigo in Voyager Server to view the indexed data

Resources For Box