Indexing Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG)

Indexing Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG)

Available in Vose Version 1.12+

Azure Blob Storage and AWS S3 repositories both support indexing COG files remotely. In previous Vose versions, these files were downloaded to a temporary cache to be processed locally. With large TIFF files, this caused the indexing to be very slow. Now, with the remote processing functionality of COG files, these files are no longer downloaded, which significantly increases indexing speed.


COG indexing is handled by using a pipeline step.

First, configure either an Azure Blob Storage or AWS S3 repository.

Next, configure the pipeline by searching for “COG” in the list of pipeline steps available:



IMPORTANT: The cog pipeline must be added to the “Pre-Extraction” phase of the pipeline.



About Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF:



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