Add Field
Add Field
This task adds a new field to the input feature class or table and calculates the value.
To run this task in Navigo:
Cick the Cart icon and select New Task from the drop-down menu.
Select Add Field from the task menu
Enter the Field Name
Select the Type (TEXT, DOUBLE or LONG)
Enter the Field Value
Click Run Task
Supported File Types
This task supports:
Usage Notes
The inputs must be an editable feature class or table within ArcGIS such as a geodatabase table or shapefile. Formats such as SDC or CAD are not editable by ArcGIS.
The field name cannot contain spaces and will be validated before adding. Some fields may get truncated if too long for formats such as Shapefiles.
The field format can be either TEXT, DOUBLE or LONG.
ArcGIS 10.x